Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring )))


  1. hello
    fantastic images of spring

  2. I wanted to invite you to my second blog

  3. They all look delightful and very pleased to be getting out to enjoy the spring flowers.

  4. lonely heart, Thank you for such nice comments. Sorry I am so late responding to your post. I have been so busy preparing my garden beds for the spring and future beautiful photos of my girls with the flowers. Thank you for inviting me to visit your blog. I will be in touch.

  5. Serenata, Yes, this is hopefully just the beginning. I have many Dalias waiting and ready to be planted in the beds and more photos will come. Thank you for your comments and please keep in touch.

  6. lonely heart,I am delighted you like my photos. I did visit your blog and like the the way you outfit and pose the dolls to resemble the photos. I am sure it takes some time and patience to get the dolls ready for the photo session.
    Thank you!!!
